Medical studies are behind each of the IsClinical and Rejudicare products. They are composed of active products, and highly effective. They are available only in rare places under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It gives Apro Peau great pleasure to deliver its recipes to you in Pro tips. Do not hesitate to ask us for advice, it will be our pleasure to help you resolve your problem and prevent others.

Here is one of the multiple sciences behind these products:

Technologie Extremozyme®

Extremozymes® are enzymes produced by plants living in extreme environments that help their survival and adaptability. These adaptation miracles can also be used to protect human skin from damage caused by environmental extremes.

We rely on the natural selection processes of specialized extremophile organisms, pioneers of the future of skin care in terms of ultimate protection for healthy skin.

So these products extracted from rare plants are incorporated into our creams.

Extremozyme Sources®

  • Deep ocean slices
  • Icy Arctic tundra
  • Arid desert climates
  • Hot and humid jungles</pli
  • Hot springs and geysers

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